The aims of Mathematics teaching and learning in the school are:

  • To ensure all pupils acquire the skills required to become independent mathematical thinkers with the knowledge and confidence to tackle problem solving and investigational tasks.
  • To provide opportunities for all pupils to develop the ability to apply Mathematics within a wide range of contexts and an appreciation of its importance in our everyday lives.
  • To encourage each child to achieve their full potential by providing an effective combination of teaching and learning strategies.
  • To create easy access to well labelled resources in order to facilitate independent learning.
  • To provide an appropriately differentiated curriculum where every child experiences an increase in motivation, confidence, enjoyment and ability.

CURRICULUM MAP 2023-24 Maths

Are you worried about your child’s maths! You are invited to ‘My Maths’ workshop for parents.

If you are worried about your child’s maths and would like to learn ways to help support them please contact the school office.

How can you support your child at home?

A good website that was shared with parents is the MATHS AT HOME Website.

To view go to Click on ‘Let’s Get Started’ Then select Year group.


All children have access to mymaths at home.  Children are encouraged to do the lesson that is linked to their homework.  They can also do maths on any area that they want by using the search facility.   Do let them share their scores with you.

For Mymaths, go to: